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Hey I’m Joe, the Sous Vide Wizard! Contact me anytime!
Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve loved to cook. It all started when my grandmother would tell me about her mother’s secret sauce. The care that my great-grandmother and my grandmother took when making their sauce absolutely amazed me! From growing the tomatoes in the perfect spot in the back yard, to growing your own herbs and spices, to the exact process of smashing and cooking the tomatoes.. I was hooked!
As I grew older I began to expand upon my cooking abilities. I became proficient at making my own pastas, grilling, baking, sauteing, etc. You name it and I can do it!
However, I realized that while I was a jack of all trades, I was a master of none.
I had almost suscepted myself a to life of cooking mediocrity…
…that was until I heard about sous vide cooking.
When my friend first told me about sous vide cooking, I was a bit confused.
How the heck could cooking meat in a vacuum sealed plastic bag surrounded by water possibly work? There’s no way this meat is going to come out as perfectly as everyone says…
Well, I sure was wrong.
The first time I cooked in a sous vide, I was amazed at how easy the process was. But that was nothing compared to my amazement when I first bit into the end result.
I was immediately taken back into my grandmother’s kitchen when she was teaching me to make her sauce. Something felt so incredibly right.
From that moment on, I knew that I was destined to become a master of sous vide cooking.
and that’s why we’re here!
I created this site in hopes of teaching others all about sous vide cooking!
This style of cooking is increasingly becoming more and more popular. However, there are a limited number of resources dedicated to helping people get started with sous vide cooking!
That’s where we come in!
Our goal is to help introduce our readers to sous vide cooking – starting from the absolute basics of what sous vide cooking is, the history of it, and why it’s so great, to picking out the right sous vide machine, to some basic tips and tricks, and then finally to the recipe selection!
We’re here to guide you on your journey through sous vide cooking.
Brace yourselves, it’s going to be a very fulfilling ride!
Our Product Review Process
Our product review process is simple – our writers find what they consider to be the best products on Amazon for the topic at hand. Our site is a review aggregate site, so they summarize the products that they feel are best for the article topic. Please note that we do not test the items ourselves.
We consult with a variety of culinary experts to create our content.
Susanna Byfoo
Susanna comes to us after working in several high-end Philadelphia restaurants. Her skills primarily reside in Asian cuisine, however she has great experience and training with the sous vide cooking technique.
She current makes a living doing freelance culinary writing, recipe creation, and editing. Susanna will be helping us expand our recipe and how-to sous vide article section.
Susanna currently resides in West Philadelphia with her husband, Charles, and two kids, Patrick and Melody.
Thomas Haskins
Thomas comes after working at the Society Fair. He has spent numerous years working in the culinary industry, consulting on projects ranging from restaurants to bars and everything in between.
He is joining us to help further expand our business interests.
Thomas currently resides in Washington, DC with his husband, Todd.
Contact Us!
Thanks for your interest in Sous Vide Wizard. Please feel free to contact me anytime and I’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as I can! My email is Joe (@) SousVideWizard (dot) com
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